Divine Harmony

March 2023

Concept, Music & Movement: Geeti & Gyan

Concept, Spoken Word & Movement: Alison Petrie

Movement Participants: Alison Petrie, Alexander McPherson, Geeti, Gyan

Filmed and Edited by: Re Lim


Original Music, "Moon and Sun" & soundscape by Geeti and Gyan

Didgeridoo Rhythms, "Wambool" by Lewis Burns

Gratitude to Tsuboi Kajo for Kiryuho Movement inspiration




This multimedia offering merges sound and movement in a beautiful and sacred natural landscape to transmit the feeling of harmony, deep listening to the land, expressions of masculine and feminine in the natural world and co-operation and flow between people.

There is a great need for learning to be in harmony with ourselves, each other and the earth as we navigate these shifting times of upheaval and change.

As we harmonise within we are able to cultivate flow and harmony with the world around us. As we restore balance to body, mind and spirit we can slow down to listen deeply to the earth and nature around us.

We feature movements from the Kiryuho tradition that teach us to awaken life force (KI), relax into flow (RYU) and harmonise with the laws of existence (HO). One key movement is the Figure 8 or Mobius which can rebalance left and right hemispheres of the brain and attune us to the rhythms of life.

The soundscape is composed and recorded by Geeti and Gyan to evoke love and devotion to the divine, open our hearts and express gratitude to the earth and her wisdom.

This video was made for the Vision Keepers Expo in 2023. The VisionKeepers Community is a circle of leaders, facilitators and visionaries in service to this time of great change on the planet.

© Culture Unboxed 2022